How All Emergency Occupations and Labor Jobs Can Benefit From Fire Resistant (FR) Clothing

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When it comes to choosing how you dress for work, sometimes what you wear can save your life. Whether you work in emergency response as a firefighter or you do manual labor in potentially hazardous conditions, you have to have the right gear. Flame or fire resistant clothing (FR clothing) is incredibly important for workers in a variety of fields. Fire resistant work clothes and fire proof jackets can keep fires contained and put out flames even after the original source of the fire is gone. Additional, FR clothing is engineered with chemistry to be flame resistant throughout the garment’s life. No matter how long it’s used, the protection that’s been built in at the molecular level of the blends of different fabrics will not wear out or wash out. (It should still be inspected for tears, however, to keep you safe.)

Why else invest in FR clothing for work? Here are some ways these garments can keep you safe:

1. If you work in emergency response as a firefighter, you are required to have several pieces of gear (also known as turnouts) that is required to protect against fires, flames, fumes, and gases. This personal protective equipment can weigh anywhere from 45 pounds to 77 pounds when put together. It must consistent of several layers to protect against flames and moisture and also provide thermal insulation. These turnouts are made to be put on quickly, in about a minute, and although warm when worn, they keep the body away from extreme temperatures. Using this protective equipment, which is mandated by the National Fire Protection Association, can prevent line of duty injuries, which can cost firefighters between $2.8 and $7.8 billion per year because of injuries.

2. Those who work with chemicals and other hazardous materials are also usually required to wear fire resistant clothes to their jobs. Because chemical spills can be flammable, and gas leaks can lead to explosions, it’s extremely important that those working in hazardous environments use this equipment. Fire resistant clothes are necessary in industries such as oil and gas, coal mining, and manufacturing, especially if it involves welding. FR clothing is also useful for those who handle hazardous materials and need FR Hazmat suits.

3. In addition to being fire resistant, much FR gear is also functional for anyone who does manual labor, and the items being flame resistant is just an added bonus. Those who require thick coveralls and jackets to work in low temperatures can enjoy these garments knowing that they are fully protected from a variety of dangerous incidents.

If you are wondering about the requirements for your job, talk to your employer about what sorts of fire resistant clothing items are necessary for your occupation. Then see a retailer who specializes in supplying these garments. Have more questions? Leave us a comment below. Read more here:

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