3 Ways To Spark Flower Arrangement Ideas

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If you’re anything like the busy modern women we spoke to before writing this article, then you can maybe tick off the names of a handful of flowers. Roses, daisies, orchids, petunias, sunflowers…a few more, and then you’re straining. In order to get in detail with the flower arrangement ideas for your event, it’s best to go to a florist shop or look for a florist online. Whether you’re in the market for spring wedding flowers or are agonizing about choosing a corsage, a florist will be able to guide you to the perfect choices.

Below are a few general ways to get inspired for flower arrangement ideas–no botanical degree required. Our hope is that these broad guidelines will help spark opinions in you about color, meaning, and atmosphere so that when you finally do call a florist, you can meet them half way.

1. Research Facts About Flowers
Did you know that every flower has been culturally endowed with a meaning? For example, a red carnation is said to symbolize love, but a yellow one means despondency. (The Russians however would have to disagree; for them, the message of love can be found in a red hued tulip, rather than a carnation). Social movements over the centuries have constantly used flowers as meaning makers, such as when the socialists claimed the red rose as a sign of their beliefs in social democracy. The list of meanings and subtleties goes on and on–there have literally been books written. So don’t start thinking about needing flowers–start thinking about why you need the flowers. Has there been a birth? A death? A wedding or an engagement? Once you’re able to seize upon the event’s emotional truth, a short list of flowers will come to you from across the decades of semiological assignation.

2. Narrow Down By Color And Scale
A lot of people find it is easier to think of flower arrangement ideas after they have chosen a color theme for their event. While we would have to agree, don’t limit yourself to simply “purple dress, purple flowers.” Look at a color wheel and think about what colors compliment your theme. Once you’ve come up with a pallet that makes sense, think about where and how you’re going to use these flowers. Are they table vases? Bouquets? Chair trappings? Understanding how they will be used will help you choose the sizes that make the most sense. Finally…

3. Consider Price And Availability
At last count, there were over 36,000 floral outfits in the U.S. alone. While this practically guarantees that you have five or six to choose from in your area, some will definitely have a better selection than others, whereas others will be more affordable. If affordable wedding flowers are the name of your game, you might have to sacrifice on freshness or selection. However if you just have to have the 3,000 year old white Madonna lily for your event, spending a little more at the high end shop might be worth it to you.

At the end of the day, choosing a florist is a delicate balance between research, price, and hue. Please comment below with the results of your own balancing act! We would love recommendations and photos of your floral works of art.

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