Vaping Continues to Increase in Its Use and Popularity

Electronic cigarette cartridge

If cigarette smoking has been a cause of health concern for you or someone else in your family, you might want to consider vaping as a safe alternative to smoking tobacco. Electronic cigarette e liquid E-liquid in very low to zero nicotine strength (6 mg per ml and below), for example, outsells medium-to-high strengths (12 mg and above) by better than a two-to-one margin.

Switching to electronic cigarette e liquid may also be a way to quit smoking altogether. One study found that people who wanted to quit smoking were approximately 60% more likely to succeed if they used e-cigarettes, or vaporizers, compared to would-be quitters trying an anti-smoking nicotine patch or gum. In a Belgian study, 44% of study participants reduced their tobacco consumption or eliminated it completely at the end of the eight months.

In the U.S. 8,600,000 people have at least on serious illness directly caused by smoking. Women smokers, for example, are up to 40 times more likely to develop copd (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) than women who never smoked. Even non-smokers are affected by traditional smoking. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke, either at home or at work, increase their lung cancer risk by 20-30%. Switching to vapor cigarettes can limit these health concerns.

In addition to health concerns, vaping vs smoking can also eliminate the danger of fire. One thousand people a year are killed in smoking material related fires. Most of these fires start from beds, furniture or trash.

Variety is one aspect that attracts some to vaping instead of traditional smoking. According to a survey of e-cigarette and vaporizer users, popular flavors include:

  • fruit flavors (preferred by 31%)
  • tobacco (22%)
  • bakery or dessert-based flavors (19%)

According to the New York Times, more than 7,000 e-liquid flavors are now available and some estimate that nearly 250 more are being introduced every month. On average, e-cig smokers or vapers used three different types of liquid flavors on a regular basis.

Vaping regulations are still undergoing
changes in many states, but in many situations, vaping is restricted less than traditional smoking. It just might be a healthier, safer and more acceptable activity than traditional smoking. Instead of purchasing another pack of cigarettes, the smart consumer might look at electronic cigarette e liquid instead. The variety of flavors make it a more appealing taste experience as well.

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