What’s the Deal With Hemlines? Five 2014 Boho Trends

Boho fashion clothing

It’s no secret that bohemian, flowing style has been on the rise in fashion for a while now. As Business of Fashion points out, designers like Michael Kors and many others have raised the style from being simply “the bohemian Californian aesthetic” and propelled it “into the leagues of contemporary luxury.”

California fashion is flexible in this way. It can be an everyday comfortable loungewear, or an upscale fashion choice. Here are five California fashion trends you can incorporate into your wardrobe for a style that is with-it yet notoriously comfy.

1. Interesting Takes on Popular Trends
It doesn’t take a genius to see that black leather bomber jackets are in right now. Boho fashion tends to take trends like this and twist them a bit. Look for bomber jackets with faux-leather sleeves, but white lace fronts.

2. Hemlines are Fluid and Below the Knee
When it comes to skirts, bigger is better. Oversized is in, and that means stretching hemlines down toward the ground. It’s easy to see this style working throughout multiple seasons. Look for prints in solid colors and patterns of rich paisley, and skirts that sit at the waist. Avoid tiered hemlines and skirts that fall around your hips.

3. Oversized Coats
If you’re looking for comfy clothes for women that are fashion forward at the same time, the oversized coat is sure to have a lot of fans. Coats in either bold patterning or a washed-out denim look are big right now, both literally and figuratively. They pair well with short shorts and boots, or skinny jeans and a band top.
4. A Pairing of Structure and Daring Flow
Stylist boldly states that “The new boho is here, and it’s time to disregard all your previous notions about bohemian chic styles.” They explain that bohemian styles aren’t just something for the summer concert anymore; they’re about creating style combinations that are good for your vacation or your office. Think classic silhouettes with traditional bohemian prints, or beaded embellishments.
5. Boho Style Purses
When people think bohemian purses, they usually think big and shabby. However, some of the most popular boho purses right now are fairly structured. Tooled leather with vintage-style motifs, for example, or rich floral embroidery.
Are you looking for comfy clothes for women that can still be fashionable? Let us know what you’ve found in the comments.

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