Do you run your own clothing and accessories store, and you’re looking for great designer handbag options. The best approach may be to seek out wholesale handbags and purses, sold by dependable wholesale handbags distributors.
It is critical to find an excellent source for the best wholesale handbags available. In America alone, there are about 517 locations that specialize in the manufacturing of handbags and purses. And in the year 2011 alone, the industry in America had an approximate worth of $35 million.
Though designer handbags in America generally cost somewhere between $2,500 and $3,000, the most expensive handbag purchased on Ebay was created by Hermes Birkin, and had a price tag of $24,5000.
The functionality of handbags has changed somewhat over the years, but their essential purpose has remained the same. In the middle of the 1800’s in America, bags that people took with them on brief trips were called handbags. Around that time, a woman might typically put a comb, small mirror, pencils, handkerchief, and smelling salts in her handbag.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions concerning wholesale handbags and purses, you may share your thoughts in the forum below.