Why Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend

Diamond exchange dallas

They say that diamonds are a girls best friend. This makes women sound very shallow and a lot like gold diggers. However, as most diamond buyers know, this is not true. If you are trying to sell estate jewelry then you should know why women like diamonds. You could sell a diamond ring to man looking to get engaged because he knows this is what he is supposed to do but he may not realize that the whole idea of diamonds goes much deeper. First, I’m going to ask several questions and then I’m going to give you the answer.

Women tend to put a lot more importance on children and family than men do. Of course this is not always the case and there are exceptions to the rule but generally speaking, more women want to be a stay at home parent than men. This is not because they are lazy, because a good housewife is extremely busy and never has a day off; this is because they are more interested in investing in their home and their children than themselves. However, before they get home and children they need to find a man willing to support this task. How can a woman know that a man is going to invest the necessary resources and her and her children to allow her to invest her time and attention to it?

A woman wants to find a man who is a good dad. Without having children already, how can a woman know that a man will be a good father? How can she know that he is not going to leave her once children arrive? If a woman is going to be able to stay at home to raise her children, she needs a man that is going to be able to take care of herself and said children financially, physically and emotionally. So, how does she know that the man she is courting is this type of man?

When you sell estate jewelry like precious gems, you understand the value of them. You understand what goes into finding and making a diamond. You know what is a good cut, a good carat and everything else that there is to know about how to convince someone to buy an expensive diamond. You cannot sell estate jewelry without having some sort of knowledge. No one is going to buy an expensive piece of jewelry without knowing why it costs so much. Which people are rich because they don’t fritter their money away. They only buy things of worth and meaning.

Now, knowing all of this, here is the answer to the above questions: it’s all in the diamond. This is how diamonds show what kind of person the man is:

  • A man is not going to invest so much money into a gift without planning on sticking around for a while.

  • A diamond can do nothing for the man. It is not a Bentley he can borrow, it is not a 3D TV that he can watch. It is purely for the woman.

  • If the man is able to buy the diamond without going into debt, he’ll be able to take care of a family when the time comes.

  • Diamonds are not a man’s best friend. By buying a woman a diamond, the man is putting her desires above his own.

  • A man only interested in one thing is not going to invest in diamonds. His gifts will be cheap and meaningless.

  • If he can put the woman before himself, he will likely do the same for children.

Wanting or asking a man to buy a diamond for a woman is the woman’s way of screening that man. This is how she figures out what she is worth to him before deciding to fully commit and give him her heart. So, the reason why diamonds are a girls best friend is because not only do they look beautiful but they speak volumes about how her man is taking care of her and the desires of her heart. If you can explain this to a man as you sell estate jewelry, your diamonds will be flying off the shelf as they attempt to convince the women that they love that they are around to stay.

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