How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Safely

Benefits of solar eclipse glasses

A solar eclipse is a rare phenomenon, and a chance to see one as it happens is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The countdown for the approaching total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, has already begun. Amateur astronomers, hobbyists, and parents should be aware that safety precautions must be taken in viewing the eclipse, since it is dangerous to look directly at the sun. There are many types of solar eclipse glasses that let you view the eclipse directly and safely.

What is an eclipse anyway?
An eclipse is an astronomical event when one celestial body – such as the sun, moon or planets – comes between another celestial body and the earth. From the point of view of an observer on the earth, it seems like the second celestial body disappears for a short time.
The sight is uncanny, and since ancient times, eclipses have been the subject of all kinds of taboos and rituals. A solar eclipse, when the sun disappears temporarily in the middle of the day, is a spectacular phenomenon. Moreover, it’s very rare, and a chance to witness one is almost a once in a lifetime opportunity. However, it’s important to be aware of how to watch a solar eclipse safely, using solar glasses.

It’s coming!
The total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, will be visible from all of the lower 48 states. The last time this happened was in 1979. The path of totality, as the area from which the total eclipse will be seen is called, runs across fourteen states. It falls in a diagonal that is 120 miles wide, from Georgia to Oregon. Totality will last for as long as two minutes at some locations.
Partial eclipse, where the sun will fall within the moon’s penumbral shadow, will be visible across all of North America, as well as the northern parts of South America, and the western ends of Europe and Africa. The eclipse will last for about 90 minutes across the continental U.S. Anyone planning to watch the eclipse should be aware that they will need eye protection for solar eclipse viewing.

Safe viewing with solar eclipse glasses
Most people know that it’s not possible to look directly at the sun, and under normal conditions, it is too bright to do so. But during an eclipse, when the disc of the sun is hidden by the moon, or by its shadow, it becomes possible to look directly at the sun. Possible, but just as dangerous, because the eyes are still exposed to solar radiation.
There are many types of solar eclipse glasses that can be used to safely view a solar eclipse. Eclipse glasses typically work by blocking out the sun’s harmful radiation to make it safe to view it directly. Safe solar eclipse glasses protect the eyes by preventing retinal damage due to direct exposure to solar radiation.

People across the U.S. and in other parts of the world are getting ready to view the spectacular cosmic phenomenon that will unfold in the skies on August 21 this year. Solar viewing gasses that let you watch the eclipse without hurting your eyes should be high on your checklist as your prepare for the event. There are many different types of solar eclipse glasses that you can use to make the experience a safe and enriching one.

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