Four Tips for Creating a New Year’s Resolution

Black celebrity

The New Year comes with the ability to make New Year?s resolutions. What is your resolution this year? Will you promise to increase your exercise and lose those last couple of pounds? Do you want to make a better effort keeping in touch with your friends? Is this the year that you will finally go back to school and finish your degree? The New Year is a great time to evaluate your life and where you want it to be. Keep these resolution tips in mind as you consider your New Year?s resolution.

Be realistic

You will find it easier to stick to a New Year?s resolution when it is realistic. For example, don?t make a resolution to double your income next year. Without finding a new job that pays much better than your current one, this might not be a possibility. If you are unable to achieve this resolution, you won?t feel motivated to make another one. Consider realistic changes and how you can achieve them. If you spend too much time watching black entertainment news channels, make it a goal to decrease your TV time and increase your reading time.

Choose something that will better your life

What will make your life better? What has this year lacked that could be improved upon next year? Making it a goal to follow more black celebrity news doesn?t really have an advantage to it unless you are making it a point to follow positive black entertainment gossip celebrities. For example, Beyonce is a great role model. She has an estimated net worth of $450 million and is one of the most successful female music artists in the world. Her husband, Jay Z, is also very successful, with a net worth of $650 million, bringing their collective wealth to $1 billion. Following a positive role model will influence your life in a positive way.

Give yourself a timeline

Giving yourself a timeline encourages your progress over the next year and sets you up for success. If you want to increase the number of positive role models that you follow and decrease the number of negative ones, give yourself obstacles to meet throughout the year. Make it a point to only watch positive black celeb gossip and to avoid negative black entertainment news stations. Set date guidelines to track your goals.

You might even put a dollar amount on your progress. Set dates that you will donate and support local charities. Celebrity induced support for causes tends to be higher among 18 to 36 year olds (27%) than older Americans. Only 10% of mature people (68 and older) claim to support a cause due to celebrity?s actions. While you do not have to support only the causes that celebrities? do, make sure you are paying attention to the most reputable of charities. You can often get valuable information from black entertainment news channels.

Create measurable resolutions

How will you know if you have succeeded in achieving your resolution? Will you reach a certain weight? Will you decrease your TV watching time to a set number of hours per week? Will you only watch certain black gossip TV shows? Create a resolution that is measurable and tracks your progress. You will find the actual process of tracking to be encouraging toward additional goal success.

In just a little over a week, many people will decide on a New Year?s resolution. Whatever your resolution is, make sure it is measurable, realistic, and beneficial for improving your life. There are all types of resolutions and it is important that you choose one that works for you. If you want to increase your positive role models, for example, go ahead and make that a resolution. With many positive black entertainment news sources out there, you can even achieve that resolution.

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