What is Vaping?

Flavored e-liquid

What is Vaping?

As smoking is becoming a less desirable habit among Americans, the question “What is vaping?” seems to appear more and more. Vaping is a new form of safe “cigarettes” called a vapor cigarette or an e cig. This product allows the user to obtain a level of nicotine as well as feel the “burn” of smoking traditional cigarettes but without the harmful chemicals, health risks, smell and restrictions. Studies show that 2.5 million people in the U.S. now use e cigs. It is estimated that 4 million Americans use battery powered cigarettes according to the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association.

Using E Cigs to Quit Smoking

One of the greatest advantages to vapor cigarettes is its assistance in quitting smoking. When buying vaping kits or vaping cartridges, the user can select their preferred nicotine strength from low, medium and high. The low strength nicotine vaping cartridges sell nearly double the amount of the medium and high strength vape pens.

While people attempt to quit smoking real cigarettes they struggle to stay away from them without a substitute. A vape pen can help them to break free from the harsh chemicals without complete nicotine withdrawal and still being able to partake in an action similiar to smoking. After some research studies found that compared to nicotine gum or patches, people who tried to quit smoking by using e cigarettes are 60% more likely to quit. While many people who successfully quit smoking begin smoking again within 3 months, a study in Belgium showed that the participants reduced or completely eliminated tobacco use within an 8 month time period.

Vaping vs Smoking

Besides wanting to know “What is vaping?” you may be wondering “Why is vaping healthier than smoking?”

Besides the ghastly number of deaths caused by smoking each year, there are also 8,600,000 people in the U.S. that are currently affected by a serious illness caused by smoking.Sixty-nine of the 7,000 chemicals in traditional cigarettes are known to cause cancer. However, ecigs have only a few ingredients and contain no tar, ash or tobacco leaf.

There are also over 1,000 people killed each year in fires that were started by lit cigarettes. Even more unfortunate, there is a 20 to 30% increase in the likelihood of lung cancer to those exposed to second hand smoke that do not smoke themselves. Since rechargeable vapor pens do not burn, they do not produce the smoke that causes these illnesses, and they are not lit so they pose no threat of fires.

The smoke and smell created by regular smoking is an issue, upsetting to many because it makes them cough or gets in their face. When using a vapor cigarette you create a small puff of what appears to be smoke but is just water vapor, meaning no restricting smoke and no displeasing scent.

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