Vaping vs Smoking Is One Really Better?

Liquid e cigs

What is vaping? It a term for e-cigerettes. There are variations of vaporizers, some of the most popular being the rechargeable vapor pen, electronic cigars, and electronic pipes. In 2013, the e-cigarette industry was estimated to be worth $1.7 billion. Clearly, this is a business that is gaining popularity for a reason.

Vaping gives the user plenty of options. Currently, the vapor industry has about 466 brands and more than 7,700 flavors of vape liquid. There are vaping kits to get new users started, but many people who do use e-cigerettes and vaporizers like to branch out and try other flavors. In a study to find out what people preferred, fruit flavors took the lead with 31%, and tobacco followed with 22%. Other popular flavors include bakery flavors, 19%, and spice or savory flavors, 5%.

Vape users like their options. Studies show that former cigarette smokers frequently switch between flavors other than tobacco, and most vape users like to have a rotation of three flavors. Interestingly, current smokers are less likely to switch between flavors.

Electronic cigars are generally safer than traditional cigars. A study of cigarette smokers trying to quit found that using vaporizers to slowly replace cigarettes helped their chances of success by 60%. Traditional smoking also effects more than just the smoker themselves. The risk of a nonsmoker developing cancer increases by 20 to 30% if they are regularly exposed to cigarette smoke at home or work.

Have you heard the very old cautionary tale of a building burning down because someone fell asleep while smoking a cigar in bed? Weird, and unfortunately true. Of the approximately 1,000 fires each year started by a smoker, most began in a bed, the trash, or the furniture. No one starts a fire relaxing with electronic cigars.

The laws governing the use of vaporizers varies across the states. Some do not allow their use in any public place–restaurants, bars, or workplaces–while others only ban their usage at county fairs, oddly enough. Check your state’s regulations online if you are unsure.

You know the most harmful part of a cigarette or cigar is the smoke. The cloud from vaping doesn’t have the chemicals that come with smoke, but they do contain nicotine, making them unsuitable for densely populated public areas.

The vape and e-cigarette industry has grown to $2.5 billion over the last two years. It is a device that has grown in popularity because it offers an alternative to a terrible habit that is very hard to quit. Some people do not even want to quit smoking so much as they wish to do less harm to themselves. Vapor pens and electronic cigars and pipe let them do so in style.

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