5 Areas That Can Be Treated With Laser Hair Removal

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Laser hair removal has grown popular in recent years due to its gentle, effective method that often results in permanent laser hair removal. Patients who undergo multiple laser hair removal treatments typically see results after 4 to 5 treatments, and often enjoy an almost complete reduction in hair growth. If you’ve been considering laser hair removal treatment, contact a local laser hair centre and look for these hair removal services!


If you have unwanted facial hair, laser removal might be the best solution for keeping those pesky hairs off your face. Facial laser hair removal can be done on the chin, upper lip, beard area, and eyebrows. These are small areas, and therefore only take a few minutes per each treatment. Laser hair removal is particularly good for patients with dark hair, and produces the best results.

Legs and Arms

Shaving your arms and legs can be tedious, and may even leave you with dry skin or small cuts. Waxing is effective, but leaves you feeling sore. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution to hair removal on the legs or arms, laser hair removal is the best way to go. The laser is sensitive to the skin, and will leave you nothing more than a slight burning sensation, similar to mild sunburn.


Many men are embarrassed by the amount of hair on their back. This area can be difficult to reach, making shaving difficult. Laser treatments can offer those with back hair problems a permanent solution to back hair removal. Treatments dealing with the back typically take one hour, and it can take anywhere from five to eight sessions to see permanent solutions.

Sensitive areas

Sensitive areas, such as the breast or bikini area, can also be treated with laser hair removal. The hair removal process for these treatments typically takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes each for each session, and can require about 4 to 8 total treatments. Technology allows the laser to lock on only to the hair, leaving these more sensitive areas smooth and untouched.

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